AGI concentration systems are extremely efficient because they provide high evaporation rates and low residence times, as well as being user-friendly and easy to maintain.
High efficiency
AGI concentration systems are highly efficient, providing high evaporation rates, short residence times, and contamination-free operation.
High evaporation rate
AGI concentration systems offer uniform thin film formation and uniform heating at low pressure for a high evaporation rate.
Features that facilitate high evaporation rate:
- Use of thermal jacket supplied with thermal fluid for heating
- Uniform PTFE wiper blades for uniform film formation
- Magnetic stirrer sealing to achieve low pressure condition
No contamination
Magnetic stirrer sealing and greaseless valves and joints allow for contamination-free material processing using AGI wiped film systems.
Features that facilitate contamination-free material processing:
- Use of wetted part such as glass, PTFE, FFKM and SS316
Short residence time
A short residence time contributes to the preservation of properties of heat sensitive materials while evaporating the volatile fraction in the chemical mixture. This also prevents fouling of materials in the evaporation column.
Features that facilitate short residence time:
- PTFE wiper design that forms thin film and pushes the film downwards with every rotation
- Adjustable feed rate that allows manipulation of film thickness which in turn modifies residence time on the heated evaporation surface
Simple to use
AGI concentration systems have a functional design that makes them really user-friendly. You can easily optimize film thickness to your requirement, and control how much of a sample is fed into the main body via the feed vessel. Maintenance is also simple, with fully accessible parts that can be quickly removed and replaced for no-fuss cleaning.
Easy film optimization
Film thickness affects the evaporation rate, residence time and fouling behavior of the materials. It can be easily adjusted to optimize the process for given throughput volume.
Features for easy film optimization:
- Adjustable feed rate
- Adjustable wiper rotating speed
- Transparent main body for easy visualization of process
Easy maintenance
AGI concentration systems are really easy to clean and maintain, with easy accessibility to all parts of the systems.
Features that facilitate easy cleaning:
- Easy accessibility to all parts of the systems
- Easily removable and replaceable wiper
- Easily disassembled glass parts
Best return on investment
With AGI concentration systems, process development is easy. Our systems enable you to easily control process parameters and prevent sample wastage to ensure that you achieve your desired end product. They are also inexpensive to use for feasibility studies, which means that users can get the best return on their investment.
Easy process development
The possibility to fine-tune process parameters and design modifications makes AGI concentration systems highly suitable for easy process development applications.
Features that facilitate easy process development:
- Easy control of parameters such as temperature, pressure and film formation
- Easy system design modification to achieve desired end product
Prevents sample wastage
A uniform thin film formation and short residence time over the evaporation area helps to prevent decomposition of heat-sensitive samples.
Features that prevent sample wastage:
- Optimal evaporation surface area
- Quick saturation of evaporation column with a combination of factors, e.g. adjustable feed rate and wiper speed
Inexpensive feasibility studies
Feasibility studies using AGI concentration systems can be performed with minimal cost. For example, large scale processes can be miniaturized and pilot scale studies can be performed in order to plan for scale-up.
Features that facilitate inexpensive feasibility studies:
- Miniaturised systems allow easy troubleshooting of process issues
- Inexpensive pilot studies provide justification for large scale process plant development