function get_the_date( $format = '', $post = null ) {
$post = get_post( $post );if ( ! $post ) {
return false;
}$_format = ! empty( $format ) ? $format : get_option( 'date_format' );
$the_date = get_post_time( $_format, false, $post, true );
return apply_filters( 'get_the_date', $the_date, $format, $post );

Futureproofing pilot labs with OPC-UA technologies
Futureproofing pilot labs with OPC-UA technologies Michelle HINDE

Introducing the AGI Glassplant Pilot Reactor Controller
Introducing the AGI Glassplant Pilot Reactor Controller Alex Levantis

AGI Group expands into the high-pressure chemistry market with Premex Solutions and Premex Reactor GmbH acquisition
AGI Group expands into the high-pressure chemistry market with Premex Solutions and Premex Reactor GmbH acquisition Michelle HINDE